A downloadable game

Set in the distant future, our protagonist Jessica is a machine on a mission. The famous Velware Corp produces most of the tech for the city, but beneath its glossy exterior lies a dark secret. Armed with only a gun, and the ability to venture inside computers, Jessica must infiltrate the headquarters of Velware Corp and steal their top-secret blueprints to uncover the truth. 

This game features a text-based RPG overworld reminiscent of ZORK and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (the game), coupled with platforming segments as Jessica hacks into Velware Corp’s security systems.



Type an action followed by the object you want to use the action on. There is an action list in the top right corner. You may need to click into the input box at the bottom left. To leave, type ‘exit’. 




WASD/Arrow Keys

Player movement


Jump/Double Jump




A game by:

Brodie Jackson - Programming, Level Design and Balancing
Raymond Wang - Programming, Level Design and Balancing
Madeleine Willshire - Art, Music, Writing

All music and sound effects were made with Ableton Live 11, and Vital (a free synth plugin). We used the EXEPixelPerfect font for all of our text, which can be found here: https://www.1001fonts.com/exepixelperfect-font.html


Navigator.zip 46 MB

Install instructions

Download and extract the zip file, then run Navigator.exe.

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